Saturday, November 27, 2010

Fish Removal Aiding Native Species

Fish Removal Aiding Native Species
From: Associated Press
Published November 30, 2005 12:00 AM
FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. — Efforts to remove non-native fish from parts of the Colorado River appear to be working, with rising numbers of native fish being reported by fish-removal crews.

River damming leads to dramatic decline in native fish numbers

River damming leads to dramatic decline in native fish numbers
From: Society for Experimental Biology
Published July 10, 2008 08:50 AM
Damming of the Colorado River over the last century, alongside introduction of game fish species, has led to an extensive decline in numbers of native fish whilst introduced species have flourished. Scientists have found that physical changes which occur to a river when it is dammed have had an adverse effect only on native fish, due to differences in their life histories. Armed with this knowledge, they have made proposals to management agencies, which, if implemented, could reverse the loss of native species not only in the Colorado but on a country or even world-wide scale. Dr Alice Gibb from Northern Arizona University will be presenting her research on Thursday 10th July at the Society for Experimental Biology's Annual Meeting in Marseille.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Neretva, riba i naučnik

Ekološka kataklizma koja neumitno ubija Neretvu: 
Ihtiolog i smuđ, riba i naučnik štetočine

U 21. vijeku koji razotkriva nove prijetnje eko-sistemima širom svijeta ljudi su ipak shvatili mnoge stare pogreške i nalaze način kako da ih isprave. Između ostalih problema koji se danas mogu uspješno rješiti, i koji se više sigurno neče ponavljati (makar u civilizovanim zemljama), je i rehabilitacija riječnih eko-sistema, habitata i biodiverziteta. Riječni tokovi se vračaju u prvobitno, originalno stanje prije ljudskog djelovanja, u smislu hidrologije ali i u biološkom smislu. Ruše se hidroelektrane, uspostavljaju stara mrijestilišta, introducirane vrste se uništavaju a na njihovo mjesto se uvode nativne vrste, spašene i uzgojene vještački u projektima repopulacije autohtonim vrstama.

Smuđ/Pike-perch (Sander lucioperca) - pest/štetočina

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